
tel : Japan 03-3403-7723
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Born in Hitachi, Japan
Has lived and worked in tokyo since 1957

1961-65 Kuwasawa School of Design, majoring in Media Arts and Photography

Professional Experience
1961-81 Chief Designer for Kanto Jidosha Kogyo Co., as a Car Designer for Toyota Cars
1981- Freelance Illustrator, Paintor and Sculptor

1980 "The Running Feet" collection of Etchings by Muramatsu Publishing Co.
1983 "Count Down" collection of Drawings by Toride Publishing Co.
1988 "Just Another World" Drawing and Sculptures by Fab Inc.
1990 Picture Book "Tsurezuregusa" with Osamu Hashimoto by Kawade Shobo Shinsha Publishing Co.
1993 "A Boy from Negrie" with Hiroko Tanaka
1995 "New York Family Portnaits" with Hiroko Tanaka

One Person Shows
1988 Paters' Gallery in Tokyo
1989 Seed Hall at Seibu in Tokyo
1990 "LOFT" at Seibu in Tokyo
1990 Solaria Plaza at Nishitetsu in Fukuoka
1992 Visual Arts Museum in New York